Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives
Nonviolence is a gentle way to shake the world!
December 2014
Dear Friends of the LI Alliance,
Thirteen years of U.S war in Afghanistan has claimed thousands of lives. When the U.S. withdraws, the military is planning to keep a force of 10,000 soldiers or more. And now, the U.S. is back at war in Iraq with airstrikes and training missions and has also announced airstrikes in Afghanistan. In addition, the President with Congressional approval is funding the training and arming of “some” rebels in Syria to fight against ISIS. Have we learned nothing? Violence begets violence. Once again we are embarking on another war without end.
It is hard to believe that in the 21st century, war and the use of military force continue to be the primary tools of U.S. foreign policy and power. It is up to people like us to change the direction of our country and to make our voices heard in Washington and in the public square.
In 2015, the LI Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives will mark its 30th Anniversary of peacemaking and citizen action in determining national and global priorities. Together with all of you, we have demonstrated, called and visited NY Senators and LI representatives, and have educated ourselves, the media and the LI community about peace and the alternatives to war and violence. We have been a visible peace presence on Long Island. This has only been possible because you have been with us in our shared efforts to “shake the world.”
With your active support, the LI Alliance has engaged the next generation in the pursuit of a world without war – a world based on justice and peace and human dignity for everyone. With your contributions, we have developed a Peace Fellows Program at Hofstra University in collaboration with the Center for Civic Engagement. The ten-week program brings students together in briefing sessions to examine the U.S. role in the world and issues of war and peace, nonviolence, human rights, nuclear disarmament, militarism and global climate change. In addition, there are sessions on facilitating deliberative discussion, issue advocacy skills and media literacy.
The Peace Fellows Program began in 2013 and it is offered in the spring semester. One outcome of the program is that Peace Fellow students have established a PeaceMatters@Hofstra group to continue their conversation and to explore ways to promote peace issues on campus and involve more students in the work of the LI Alliance.
The LI Alliance has decided to forgo this year’s Kairos Dinner and will mark our 30th anniversary next year. Instead, we are asking for your financial support for the Peace Fellows Program and the Alliance’s efforts to educate and train the next generations of peace makers and social justice advocates. Please give as much as you can and know that your contribution will be used to engage students in the work to change the world and our country’s policies.
This fall, LI Alliance speakers presented programs on Alternatives to Bombing Iraq and Syria at Nassau Community College and a deliberative discussion on the U.S. role in the world at Adelphi University. Peace Fellows Program Coordinator and Hofstra student, Denisse Giron spoke as part of a panel at Hofstra’s Day of Dialogue. Denisse also helped to organize the LI Alliance and Hofstra Center for Civic Engagement’s annual commemoration of Gandhi and his legacy of nonviolence. The program featured The PeacePoets and Professor Michael D’Innocenzo on nonviolence and resistance.
Thank you so much for your commitment and your activism for a peaceful and just community at home and abroad. TOGETHER LET’S SHAKE THE WORLD!
Thank you for your support.
Margaret Melkonian Andrea Libresco
Executive Director President, LI Alliance Board
P.0. Box 301, Garden City NY 11530
516-741-4360 – Email: longislandpeace@gmail.com
Here’s my contribution!
Make checks payable to LI Alliance and mail to: LI Alliance, PO Box 301, Garden City NY 11530
$100 $200 $500 $50 $25 $75 $1,000 $ _____Other
Thank you!
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